Vibration Sound Massage
In her book 'Tuning The Human Biofield' written by Eileen McKusick, she quotes (pg 29)Max Planck (a quantum Physicist who received the Nobel Prize in 1918 for physics) "We have now discovered that there is no such thing as matter; it is all just different rates of vibration designed by an unseen intelligence"
The effects of sound and vibration are felt & heard on a physical, emotional, and mental level. The vibration will travel through the medium used and be absorbed by your physical body and your energy body.
The sound and vibration will promote activation of your parasympathetic nervous system. This part of your nervous system helps your body repair and heal itself. The following is a quote from a client who experienced the 9" metal bowl vibration to her upper & mid back before the hands-on portion of her massage: " The tension I usually feel in my mid-back was gone and I slept MUCH better for TWO days! The only thing different was adding on the vibration bowl - amazing!"
A vibration sound massage is much akin to an assisted meditation . The vibration and gentle sounds are so calming that you might just fall asleep, or enter that “in-between'' hypnagogic brainwave state (not awake yet not asleep). During this state you may notice that you can hear yourself breathing deeper and more fully, but are so relaxed and “in-tune” with your inner-being that all you are is aware - not wanting to do anything about what you hear, feel, or sense around you.
The law of resonance based on physics states that the more a vibration persists over time without changing, the more effective it is in affecting other vibrations around it. When a metal bowl is tapped consistently every 8-10 seconds or when that same bowl is "rimmed" (using a mallet and going around the rim of the bowl" consistently it can create a very peaceful state in the client as well as the practitioner (information from "The Complete Guide To Sound Healing"; David Gibson)
The weighted tuning forks used in our sessions are:
Otto 128 Hz (click here to learn how this tuning fork helps the body release nitric oxide for improved health/decreased inflammation)
Om Tuner 136.1 Hz​ (Helps one melt into a deep state of relaxation)
​When 128 hz & 136.1 hz are played together near the ears, a binaural beat is created of 8 hz which helps the client relax into an "Alpha" brainwave state that induces a state of calm and meditation​
Sonic Slider (93.96 hz): This tuning fork is 12x the Schumann resonance frequency of 7.83 and has many benefits; However, in our sessions, it is used for the calm and sedative qualities it has on the mind which will have a beneficial effect on health/wellbeing. Click here to be taken to the Biofield tuning website to learn more about this tuning fork & Biofield Tuning.
Types of Vibration Sound Massage offered:
​1.) 30 Minute Introduction to Vibration Sound Massage
This is a 30 minute mind/body vibration massage w/ weighted tuning forks activated and played near your ears using binaural beats to induce a meditative/relaxed state of mind, then on your feet, abdomen, sternum, head & neck. A 12" tibetan metal bowl will be activated on your lower back & a 9" bowl to your upper back to let you sample the vibrations of tuning forks and metal bowls. The gentle vibration you feel may elicit a sense of grounding, relaxation, & peace to assist you in moving through the rest of your day. Performed fully clothed w/ tuning forks set to a frequency of 93.96 Hz. 128 and 136.1 hz. Time permitting Julie may be able to give you a sample of the metal bowl vibration on your abdomen.
Binaural beats are created when Julie activates the 128 Hz and 136.1 Hz weighted tuning forks and plays them near your ears. Your brain will hear the difference between the two forks (8.1 hz), and may be induced to the brainwave state known as the Alpha brainwave state. The alpha brainwave state is that in which your brain is in a "meditative" or "waking rest" state (
Client feedback ...
30 MInute Vibration Massage with Weighted Tuning Forks
"I was surprised how I felt during and after this kind of massage. I felt very relaxed. It almost feels like a warm hug to each part of my body that the tuning fork works on. Crazy, but I could feel the areas around my chest and abdomen 'opening up' with the vibration. I became more aware of each area and could feel the tension in my shoulders release when Julie used the tuning fork on my sternum. I think I'd like to do this again!"
136.1 & 128 HZ WEIGHTED TUNING FORKS simultaneously used next to ears as well as ( one on c-spine & one on sacrum): "I usually am able to get into a deep state of relaxation with your massages, but when you used these two tuning forks, they brought me to an even DEEPER state of mind than I thought possible during a massage.."
2. 60 minute Introduction to Vibration Sound Massage:
Your 1 hour session will start the same way as the 30 minute version in order to guide you into a parasympathetic state of relaxation & calm. After the beginning phase with the tuning forks, you will be introduced to the vibration of metal bowls on your upper/mid back, shoulder blades, lower back, sacrum, back of legs and feet. You will then lie on your back again while you enjoy the deep vibration massage on your thighs, hands, abdomen, and chest. Time permitting you will experience the weighted tuning forks one last time on your forehead. Julie will coax you back to reality with a few deep cleansing breaths and mindful awareness of the present moment and surroundings.
Client Feedback ...
"The entire thing was so relaxing. I can hardly believe how calm and relaxed my body and mind feel. When you used the bowls on my back I could feel the vibrations throughout my entire body and felt myself slipping into that 'in-between' state of mind. What a feeling!"
Potential BENEFITS
Reduced sense of stress/anxiety
Reduce sense of pain and tension of muscles/joints
decrease in inflammation
Reduced sense of feeling depressed or sad
Improved sense of sleep quality
Improved sense of creativity, concentration, focus
Improved sense of feeling “balanced” in your body, mind & spirit
More calm, at ease, & more tolerant
As with anything, there are some instances in which you should not receive this type of modality.
This modality is NOT SAFE for people who have a pacemaker or other implanted device for health purposes (such as coronary shunt, artificial heart valves, insulin pump, etc) due to the frequencies of the instruments potentially interrupting the equipment.
If you have any metal implants we can perform this type of massage, but with caution. The massage will not be performed over or near the implant.
Unhealed fractures & injuries (vibration sound massage will not be performed over these areas).
If you are pregnant, in an abundance of caution on-body vibration massage will not be performed.
If you have sustained a concussion - it is advised that this modality not be performed for the first 3-6 months after the injury. At that point, a written note from a physician will be required as clearance.
If you suffer from seizures, this modality will not be performed in an abundance of caution. Thank you for your understanding.
If you have an active cancer, we will wait until you are in remission and have a doctor's note before we try this modality.
30 minutes = $57: with tuning forks, 12" bowl on low back, & 9" bowl on upper back
60 minutes = $87: with tuning forks & Himalayan bowls on back, legs, feet, abdomen
75 minutes =$107: 60 minutes with metal bowls & tuning forks + 10-15 minutes clothed massage to neck/upper back
90 minutes = $122: 60 minutes with metal bowls & tuning forks + 30 minutes Craniosacral therapy
FAQs :
How Will I feel during & after my session?
Vibration sound massage has the potential of leaving you in a more mindful or aware state-of-being following the session. You may feel more “present” in your daily life vs. constantly thinking about your “to-do” lists, worrying about the future, the past, and things beyond your control.
During this type of massage, you may notice yourself slip into and out of that "in between" state of consciousness ... that place where you are not fully awake, but are definitely not sleeping. You may hear what is going on around you, and you may feel aware of a subtle "buzz" or "tingling" throughout your body from the consistent vibration of peaceful frequencies being absorbed by your body.
You may leave a session extremely relaxed with a feeling of increased clarity, acceptance, and general peace with life. You may also notice that muscular tension is diminished or greatly reduced. This modality of bodywork/massage will not CURE what is ailing you. However, it MAY allow your mind and body to rest long enough to begin healing, gain insight, clarity, acceptance, and wisdom - relieving physical tension, aches, and pains caused by stressors.
One reason we feel so peaceful and calm can be wrapped up in a quote from David Gibson's book "The Complete Guide To Sound Healing" : "Peace is a frequency humming consistently."
Will I get emotional? I'm afraid to cry in front of the practitioner.
*** On occasion, the effects of vibration sound massage may elicit feelings of pent up emotions that want to come to the surface and exit your body (much the same as in a regular massage session). In such circumstances if you feel the need to cry, laugh, etc … allow it to happen. You are in a safe and protected place with your massage therapist. We are here to hold space for you while your body/mind releases emotions that need releasing. We will not pry, but will simply be still and hold space for you. We can come up with a "safe word" or signal in case you want to end the session early. Nothing is right or wrong, it just “Is”.
Below you will find links to articles that may help you understand the benefits more than I can explain here.
Research article Possible Mechanisms For The Effects Of Sound Vibration On Human Health. Authors: Lee Bartel, Abdullah Mosabbir, & Academic Editor Jose Carmelo Adsuar
Observational Study: Effects of Singing Bowl Meditation On Mood, Tension, and Wellbeing; An Observational Study